Parthi Nayakane


I was looking at the Ganesha statue in Sai Prasana's home and I was reminded of a famous  song on Lord Ganesha by seerkazhi Govindarajan "Vinayskane Vinai theerpavane" That was the inspiration for this poem on our Swami.    

Thursaday, Swami's Birthday and Thanksgiving Thank You Oh! Swami My Dear Swami

Thursaday, Swami's Birthday and Thanksgiving

Thursday(Guruvaram), Bhagawan  Sri Sathya SaiBaba's Birthday and Thanks Giving Day, all concided on November 23rd 2017. Also we had a special reason to celebrate too, this day. While the Bhajans were going on I was meditating and enjoying every Bhajan in our Chicagoland Center celebration of 92nd Birthday of Sri Sathya Saibaba. Following thoughts emerged as I was wondering how to thank the Lord for His Compassion.

மறவாதிரு மனமே சாயிநாதனை

 மறவாதிரு மனமே சாயிநாதனை